1. Information We Collect

1.1 Personal Information

We gather various Personal Information provided voluntarily by you, such as:

  • Full name
  • Gender
  • Business particulars
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Identity proof identifier
  • Phone contact
  • Device identification

Alongside, data on third parties shared during your engagements with our Services is also collected. We do not gather specific personal information automatically. Whenever we collect personal information, you will be notified of the specific purpose for which it is being collected, and we will implement sufficient security measures to safeguard your personal information.

It is advisable to share information cautiously. While browsing our website and engaging with individuals or chatbots, exercise caution when disclosing personal information. We cannot be held responsible for any information, whether personal or commercial, that you share with other users or third parties on the Website/Mobile Application.

1.2 Anonymous Data

Aside from Personal Information, we collect unidentifiable data like (not exhaustive):

  • Device identifiers
  • Wireless information
  • Type of browser
  • IP address
  • Usage patterns
1.3 Usage Information

Automated collection of certain data when you use our Services includes (not exhaustive):

  • Timestamp
  • Geographical stamp
  • Browser language
  • Profile specifics
  • Search queries
  • Information from the mobile service provider
  • Click quantities
  • Request statuses of other Users
1.4 Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies are employed to enhance the user experience by evaluating trends, overseeing, and tracking your navigation. Management of these can be done through your browser settings and other tools. If you prefer not to have information gathered through the use of cookies, most web browsers offer a straightforward method to either deny or accept the cookie feature. It's important to note that disabling the cookie option may impact personalized services provided by the website.

2. How We Use Your Information

2.1 Service Provision

Information usage encompasses the delivery, upkeep, and enhancement of our Services, involving:

  • Verification of software
  • Administering software updates
  • Disseminating email notifications, updates, and assistance messages
  • Providing access to exclusive features
2.2 Analytics and Improvement

Your information may be utilized to communicate regarding:

  • Service modifications
  • New features or services
  • Feedback collection through surveys
  • Promotional activities and marketing campaigns
2.3 LimiSecurity and Compliance

Information may be employed to:

  • Prevent fraudulent activities
  • Enforce set terms and policies
  • Adhere to legal obligations
  • Investigate and resolve disputes
  • Provide technical support

3. Sharing of Information

3.1 Affiliates and Partners

Sharing of Personal Information with affiliates and trustworthy partners is conducted for legitimate business objectives like service delivery, fraud prevention, and marketing purposes.

3.2 Legal Requirements

The revelation of personal data can transpire to comply with legal proceedings, which include subpoenas, judicial orders, or legitimate requests if mandated to adhere to the law.

3.3 Business Transfers

In scenarios of mergers, acquisitions, or asset sales, disclosure of personal details might be necessary in the interest of business viability.

4. Security Measures

4.1 Data Protection

Various measures are implemented to safeguard Personal Information from unauthorized access, alterations, or disclosures, including encryption, firewalls, access controls, and routine security checks. Although this website will endeavour to employ reasonable measures to safeguard the personal data/information you submit, it cannot assure that our security measures, including those implemented on this website, will not be breached. Consequently, by posting personal data/information on this website, you acknowledge and accept this risk. By doing so, you waive any entitlement to seek legal recourse from this website for any misuse of your information.

4.2 Data Breach Response

Procedures are established to address data breaches promptly, containing and informing affected users as mandated by law.

5. User Obligations

5.1 Compliance

Users are required to comply with the policies and terms, alongside local, national, and international laws. We disclaim responsibility for any illicit, immoral, illegal, or malicious content exchanged among users. Knowledge of such content grants the Website/Mobile Application Administrator the authority to block and report the involved user(s). Furthermore, the Website administrators and managers bear no liability for information or content disseminated through live streaming/broadcasting by third parties on the website. If a user encounters content deemed illegal, immoral, illicit, or incorrect based on established facts, they may notify the website administrator to report the content.

5.2 Compliance

Users are required to comply with the policies and terms, alongside local, national, and international laws. We disclaim responsibility for any illicit, immoral, illegal, or malicious content exchanged among users. Knowledge of such content grants the Website/Mobile Application Administrator the authority to block and report the involved user(s). Furthermore, the Website administrators and managers bear no liability for information or content disseminated through live streaming/broadcasting by third parties on the website. If a user encounters content deemed illegal, immoral, illicit, or incorrect based on established facts, they may notify the website administrator to report the content.

5.3 Account Security

Account credentials confidentiality maintenance is the sole responsibility of the user, being liable for activities conducted using these credentials.

5.4 Accurate Information

While using our Services, providing accurate, complete, and updated information is mandatory, necessitating prompt amendments in case of changes.

6. International Data Transfer

Information may be shifted, stored, and processed in countries beyond your own, where our servers or service providers are located. By using our Services, you consent to such global data transfers.

7. Governing Law

The policy is governed by Indian law, with any arising disputes subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts situated in Jaipur.

8. Policy Updates

Periodic updates to the Privacy Policy may occur to reflect evolving practices and services. Notifying the updates is done by revising the "Last Updated" date on our Website. Continued usage of SolarLagao.com post-update implicates the acceptance of the modifications.

9. Third-Party Advertisements

Third-party advertising partners may display ads on our Website based on your non- personal browsing information to provide targeted advertisements. Personal Information is not shared with these third-party advertisers.

10.Associated Services

Our website may include links to or integration with other services, which may have information practices differing from ours. It is advisable to review the privacy notices of these third-party services, as we lack control over the information submitted to or collected by them.

By accessing our website, registering, or logging in, and uploading information, you acknowledge and unequivocally accept this policy. If you disagree with this policy, please refrain from using our website and services or providing any of your personal data here.

11. Contact Us

For queries or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy, reach out to us at: “contact@solarlagao.com."